The turnout was a great for the CYC Turkey Bowl Regatta on November 18-19. The regatta drew 103 competitors across 10 classes. CYC set two separate race areas to spread out boats and expedite starts. The ILCA 4.7s and 6s were on the South Course along woth Opti’s, FJs and 420s. The ILCA 7s and RS AEROs were on the North Course along with the Star and J70 classes. We were pleased to have participants from Vancouver BC to Portland/Vancouver and “all ports” in between.
Included among the participants were 11 RS Aeros, 10 ILCA 7s, 18 ILCA 6s and 6 4.7s.
Light and spotty wind on Saturday morning prompted a few postponements but a steady southerly breeze did come in time to get two races completed before calling it a day. Sunday started with a few races in a southerly, which died then came back in from the north and continued to swing to the east, at 5-10 mph on both courses. At the completion of the regatta the 4.7s finished 4 races and the 6s finished 5. The ILCA 7s and RS Aeros finished 7 races in total.
To everyone’s delight CYC resurrected a long past tradition of providing a Turkey Thanksgiving feast on Saturday night. A great idea which was prompted by CYC Youth Program Director and Regatta Chair Jack Killalea, and was made possible by Alison Pease who prepared turkey, gravy, stuffing, potatoes, corn, apple sauce and Rice Krispy Treats. Thank you Alison!!
The Jay Winberg Perpetual Trophy, awarded to the winner of the ILCA 7 class, was presented to Alex Zaputil. The top 3 finishers in the ILCA and RS AERO classes are listed here. Complete results can be found on the website.
Congratulations and thank you to ALL competitors, parents, race committee and CYC staff and volunteers for participating in the regatta.
ILCA 4.7 1st Noelani Li (Seattle YC), 2nd Ethan Lee, 3rd Noah (Willamette SC)
ILCA 6 1st Kaitlyn Beaver (Seattle YC), 2nd Adam Turloff (SYC), 3rd Alex Shemwell (SYC)
ILCA 7 1st Alex Zaputil (Royal Vancouver YC) and recipient of the Jay Winberg Perpetual Trophy, 2nd Mattias Parker (West Vancouver YC), 3rd John Hodges (CYC)
RS AERO 1st Keith Hammer (CYC Seattle), 2nd Dan Falk (CYC Seattle), 3rd David Brink (Seattle Laser Fleet)
ILCA 4.7 Noelani Li (1st) and Ethan Lee (2nd) with Wanda Creitz presenting trophies.

ILCA 6 Top three finishers (L-R) Adam Turloff (2nd), Kailyn Beaver (1st), Alex Shemwell (3rd)

ILCA 7awards presented by Commodore Wanda Creitz to Alex Zaputil (1st), Mattias Parker (2nd) and John Hodges (3rd)